Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean) | Singapore - Singapore

11 Unity Street, 羅伯遜碼頭, 237995 新加坡, 新加坡 (显示地图)

Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean) 的描述

Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore公寓以地中海村莊的風格建造,提供設施齊全的一臥室至三臥室公寓。所有公寓均覆蓋有免費Wi-Fi和免費有線互聯網連接。公寓每天免費提供前往熱鬧的烏節路(Orchard Road)和新達城(Suntec City)的免費單程班車服務,並設有室外游泳池和健身中心。


客人從Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore公寓悠閒地步行10分鐘即可抵達克拉碼頭(Clarke Quay)熱鬧的夜生活場所和餐廳。公寓距離樟宜國際機場有30分鐘車程。客人所預訂的每間公寓均享有1個免費停車位。



Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean) 的房间选择

Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean) 的服務

衛浴 衛生紙, 毛巾, 額外的廁所, 拖鞋, 私人衛浴, 廁所, 免費盥洗用品, 浴袍, 吹風機, 浴缸
臥室 床單, 衣櫃或衣櫥, 鬧鐘
戶外 陽光露台, 燒烤設施, 陽台, 露台
廚房 餐桌, 清潔用品, 烤麵包機, 烤箱, 烘衣機, 廚房用具, 電熱水壺, 廚房, 洗衣機, 微波爐, 冰箱
客房設施 床邊插座, 曬衣架, 吊衣架, 隔音, 燙衣設備, 空調
寵物 客人可攜帶寵物入住。 住宿方可能會收取額外費用。
客廳 用餐區, 沙發, 休息區, 書桌
多媒體/科技 iPod 基座, 平面電視, 有線頻道, 衛星頻道, DVD 播放機, 收音機, 電話, 電視
餐飲服務 水果, 瓶裝水, 酒/香檳, 特殊飲食菜單(隨需提供), 客房服務, 餐廳
網路 免費! 住宿方于客房提供有線網絡(免費)。
停車場 停車場
交通服務 接駁服務, 接駁車服務(免費)
迎賓接待服務 可提供發票, 景點、表演門票, 禮賓服務, 外幣兌換
娛樂及家庭服務 兒童電視頻道, 兒童戶外遊樂設施, 室內遊戲區, 兒童遊戲區, 嬰兒/兒童照護服務
清潔服務 熨燙服務, 乾洗, 洗衣
商務設施 傳真/複印
安全 滅火器, 公共區域設有監視器, 警報器, 24 小時警衛, 保險箱
無障礙設施 高樓層(有電梯)
2 個游泳池 全年開放, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 戲水玩具, 全年開放, 適合兒童
養生會館 健身/SPA 置物櫃, 健身, 蒸氣房, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 健身中心, 桑拿
其他 吸菸區, 空調, 隔音客房, 電梯, 新娘套房, 家庭房, 禁菸客房

Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean) 條件

入住時間 從 15:00 時
退房時間 11:00 前
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡不限 此住宿無入住年齡限制
此住宿接受以下信用卡別 Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean)接受上列信用卡並有權於抵達前暫時保留部分款項。
寵物 客人可攜帶寵物入住。 住宿方可能會收取額外費用。

請提前告知Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean)您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。


What is the average price to stay at Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean)?

The average price is 219 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates. usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.

Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore 的 100% 真實評論


旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore,你會強調什麼
We enjoyed our stay. It was nice to come home at the end of a day out to an apartment,rather than a hotel room, where ev
The location, the size of the apartment was good.
The hot water wasn’t very good in the main bathroom, didn’t last very long but was good in the ensuite. The breakfast provided wasn’t as good as we expected.
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore,你會強調什麼
Excellent stay with kids and highly recommended for tourists.
The location was excellent for tourists With all active nearby areas. The staff was very courteous and helpful and the property is recommended for families with kids. Everyday cleaning of rooms was excellent.
Everything was in place.
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore,你會強調什麼
A beautiful stay on a beautiful location
Location and room
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore,你會強調什麼
It is the perfect location and property for a family visit to Singapore!
The location is excellent—very convenient to a grocery store, coffee shops, the Singapore River and the metro. It was set up perfectly for our multi-generational group (grandparents, parents and 2 1/2 year old granddaughter). Also, we loved the Nespresso machine in the kitchen.
The clothes washer was very hard to operate. The picture directions did not help much—and stumped even the two engineers in our part. But the staff was able to help.

Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean) 附近
Singapore / Singapore


Robertson Walk Robertson Walk
0 miles
Singapore Repertory Theatre Singapore Repertory Theatre
0.1 miles
Robertson Quay Robertson Quay
0.1 miles
Jubilee Walk Jubilee Walk
0.3 miles
Zouk Singapore Zouk Singapore
0.3 miles


City Hall MRT Station City Hall MRT Station
0.7 miles
Singapore Art Museum Singapore Art Museum
0.7 miles
Raffles City Raffles City
0.8 miles
Esplanade Theatres on the Bay Esplanade Theatres on the Bay
1 miles
Orchard MRT Station Orchard MRT Station
1.1 miles


Changi Airport Changi Airport
10.7 miles
Hang Nadim International Airport Hang Nadim International Airport
22.4 miles
Senai International Airport Senai International Airport
26.9 miles

Connections & Popular Places of interest


The Wine Connection Restaurant The Wine Connection
0 miles

The Pie & cafe Cafe/Bar The Pie & cafe
0 miles



- Fraser Place Robertson Walk Singapore (SG Clean) -

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